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A new relapse

Hey guys, sorry ive not been on in like 2 days. I have felt really sick. Im not sure if i mentioned it or not in previous posts, but EVERYTIME i eat white pasta or white rice, I get sooooo sick. It drains me of my energy the next day, i cant even function. Well i decided 2 days ago that i was gonna eat some knorrs pasta sides , (its my favorite thing in the whole wide world.) i litterally ate a cup full, thinking it wasnt gonna hurt me. Boy was i wrong. Ive been sick ever since. Does anybody else deal with certain foods making them sick with MS? if so let me know im not alone! On another note, Im pretty sure i am in the beginning of a relapse. I woke up today and my whole tongue was numb. I have never had this happen to me before. It must be a new symptom associated with MS. I tried to eat some breakfast and i couldnt even taste it. Also has anyone ever had this happen? I am not on any kind of treatment right now. Im so afraid to take all these Dangerous treatments they give out. A...
Recent posts


Hey guys, So today was okay.. i spent the day with my sister. I always like spending time with all of them, they are my best friends! Today i had some more vision problems.. My eyes are having a hard time adjusting to things, so once again i had to use my glasses. I have also had trouble swallowing today. I havent done much of anything today except for laying around trying to relax. I have been out trying to look for a part time job. I applied for disability a couple months back, but got denied. I took it to a attorney, he is suppose to be working on my case. He gave me this long speech when i was at my appointment that made me think. He said you are 20 years old, do you really wanna just spend the rest of your years on disability? I didnt know what to answer then.. but it really motivates me to atleast try and see what im really capable of doing. I have applied everywhere but no call backs yet. I dont know if i mentioned this or not but i am planning on going back to school in august ...

My mothers day

Hey yall! First off, happy mothers day to all of the mothers out there! I hope you all had the best day.. I am laying in bed.. Really tired, but im trying to stay committed to these everyday blogs. In case you guys are wondering, i dont have any kids, but i got to spend the day with my wonderful mom and nana. They are my whole world, and support me through anything, i appriciate them with all my heart. So we had a big mothers day cookout.. My sisters and baby brother was there along with my uncle and stepdad and my mom and nana of course. We all had fun i think just spending time with each other. My vision has been a little off today so i decided to wear my glasses( im suppose to wear when im driving ) We was at the cookout and one of my sisters wanted to play badmitten.. i decided to play.. i felt like i was doing good, the only thing i noticed is that my balance was really off. But i survived and made the best of it.. I just try to ignore things like that and go on with my day.. so p...

totally random

Hey guys! So its the end of the day, I am finishing off my day with some extra cheesy mozzarella cheese sticks! :) So today was a pretty boring day, I woke up late AGAIN.. Update on my nana, she seems a little off today but she is doing a little better, im still not sure what happened though. So i woke up this morning with the ambition to DIET. anyone that knows me knows that i never ever mean it when i say that im gonna go on a diet.. I have heard a lot of people say that people with MS shouldnt be overweight. I am 20.. 5'6.. and i weigh 285 lbs.. yes i used to be comfortable with my weight and very confident, but now i am not.. dont get me wrong i support plus size allllll the way! :) but its affecting how i feel everyday.. and its something i HAVE to do for myself and my health.. i honestly eat so much junk food during the day.. but i feel like food puts me in my comfort zone.. Im not sure if anybody with MS experiences this or not.. but.. when i eat any kind of white pasta or w...

I forget everything!

So today started out like every other day.. i woke up late, I got dressed and tried to hurry out the door so that i could go to my hair stylist i woke up at 9:30 and my appt was at 10:30 (it takes me an hour or a little after to get there) so i had to hurry up, needless to say i made it without a minute to spare and nobody was there! there was a sign on the door saying that she was closed until May 18, today is the 11th . My actual appt was on the EIGHTEENTH! at this point i just had to sit there for a minute and think, what is wrong with me? I had to go back into our facebook conversation and sure enough she said the 18th. Stupid MS. I was never like this before, i never had brain fog everyday like i am now. Half the time (mostly all the time) i forget everything! Im so over it.. So i drove back home.. came home and crawled in the bed trying to shut my mind down once again and just take a nap.. i took a hour nap.. I was getting ready to go pick my little sister up from school, and my ...

My day

My day today has consisted of me trying my best to be normal.. I have struggled alot with depression and anxiety today.. Nobody knows why MS causes you to be depressed.. you just are!! Its the worst feeling when your family asks whats wrong all the time.. and you have no clue yourself why your feeling the way that you do... I never had vertigo so bad until today.. i can just be sitting down and everything is spinning.. so I got prescribed Copaxone injections when i was first diagnosed.. i tried them for a while and they started making me have really bad chest pains.. it scared me so of course i stopped. i have been treatment free for 10 months.. i know i know.. i need to do something.. but what? i try to look up natural things.. and i try them all the time but it just seems like a quick fix not longterm. BTW.. if anyone struggles with severe fatigue.. find a local health food store.. and get some real dandelions (or go pick your own, its the same thing) and brew it like coffee and make...

Life Before MS

What more can i say , other than i had lots of energy and was carefree? But in my opinion, you have to make the best of every situation and keep pushing forward no matter how hard or impossible it may seem! I have faith in myself that i can do it, and i have faith in every single one of you that are reading this, weather you have MS or not, and things seem so bad in your life, it will be okay ! you can do it!